Use case
How CheckHub solves the HR administration process at a large Antwerp hospital
Hospitals are a bit like small cities. Next to their medical staff, they have their own administration, HR, technicians, kitchen staff, cleaning department and maintenance personnel. For one of the bigger hospitals in Antwerp this means that they have between 4.000 and 5.000 collaborators to deal with. This causes a big stream of employees coming in and leaving the hospital which poses a heavy burden on the hospital’s HR department.
While searching how they could move away from the signing of the paper employee contracts by their CEO, their HR Director and finally the candidate, they came across the CheckHub platform.
CheckHub helped them to set up an easy and efficient process to collect the signatures in a digital very user-friendly manner. The only manual step remaining is an excel import of a file containing the data of the new employees (a file they were keeping anyway). After the import the process is fully automated and digital. The new digital process was set up and introduced in a matter of a few weeks.
Because they quickly saw the benefits and ease of the CheckHub platform, the hospital decided to add other documents and forms they were exchanging with their personnel to this digital flow as well. Think about forms related to the mean of travel to work, tax, work regulation, part-time work but also checklists, declarations etc.
They also decided to add other target groups like independents, students and doctors in formation (Artsen in Opleiding – ASO). For ASO they added one extra person that needs to sign the contract. This speeded up the time of file completion with weeks.
In less than 6 months they exchanged on average 12 documents with close to 500 new employees and students via the CheckHub platform. The gain in time and efficiency is substantial. The hospital now saving around 75% on the time normally spend on document administration of new staff. Moreover, they were able to get rid of the big paper folder of contracts that needed to be treated manually first by the CEO, than by the HR Director and finally by the new employee.