HR Departments Benefit from Artificial Intelligence to Lower Burden of Administrative Tasks
In just a few short years, the term Artificial Intelligence has made great leaps from first being considered SCIENCE FICTION to now being SCIENCE FACT. Advanced computer technology is making incredible strides in this area and helping to create programs that mimic “learning” as they take incoming data and complete given tasks. The tasks these programs are capable of seem to become automatic in nature over time as the program begins to carry them out with little to no human involvement whatsoever.
The two main results that seem to be emerging from HR departments who implement this cutting edge technology include TASK EFFICIENCY and INCREASE IN EMPLOYEE FACE TIME.
While the industries that have been taking most advantage of AI technology include financial services, hi-tech and telecom, one industry that has begun to increasingly utilize it to help relieve administrative burden actually has the word HUMAN in its title. Human Resources departments have a tremendous number of administrative tasks that often require a great deal of time to complete daily. Such tasks can include:
- Screening incoming applications and sorting them for consideration for specific positions
- Updating employee information contained in personnel files
- Sending reminder emails or letters to employees concerning regular face to face reviews
- Sending reminders to applicants for upcoming face to face interviews
- Answering incoming queries concerning available positions
- Answering incoming queries concerning company rules or policies
- Automate requests to renew info on expiring documents (permits, id cards, etc.)
And this is just an abridged list. All the tasks above can be handled by Artificial Intelligence software and therefore help to greatly relieve the burdens put on HR departments. The two main results that seem to be emerging from HR departments who implement this cutting edge technology include task efficiency (Having AI programs handling such low-level administrative duties as listed above are resulting in an increase in effectiveness of nearly 20% versus those offices not implementing AI) and increase in employee face time (as AI programs help decrease workload, HR departments are able to increase the time they spend with each employee, therefore helping to strengthen relationship bonds which leads to great employee satisfaction and retention). With such results, it is likely that an increasing number of HR departments will look to increase their reliance on burgeoning Artificial Intelligence technology in the near future.