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Maximize the recovery of the costs of training temporary workers

For the temporary employment agencies, there has been a provision in the collective labor agreement for some time that allows them to recover part of the cost of training the temporary workers. This applies to training ‘on the job’ with the user, to training organized by the temporary employment agency itself and to training provided by an external training centre.

The amounts that can be reclaimed are not minimal. For user training this can go up to 139 EUR per day. If the training is provided by an external party, this can amount to EUR 226 per day. However, a maximum of EUR 2,100 per training per temporary worker applies.

These applications for reimbursement can be made to the Social Fund for Temporary Employees, provided that certain documents are submitted. In addition to a pay slip or the invoice for the training, this also concerns a form from the Social Fund itself: a document type ‘V1’ for training courses ‘on the job’, a document type ‘V2’ for training from the employment agency and a document type ‘V3’ for training by external centers. These documents must contain certain details of the temporary worker, a description of the training and details of the user/temporary agency/training center and must also be signed by the temporary worker.

This all seems clear and simple now. But how do you ensure that these documents are actually completed and signed by the temporary worker? These forms exist in PDF format or on paper and can therefore be sent by email or manually completed and handed over. But this is such a time-consuming process and already involves so much work and manual actions that it proves very difficult in practice. Moreover, the temporary worker itself has absolutely no interest in making this effort. It is entirely in the interests of the temporary employment agency that risks missing out on significant amounts of money.

Where our customers used to receive only 10 to 15% of these documents signed, we now see a success ratio of 70 to 75%. We are therefore extremely pleased that we can efficiently help our customers with this. The amount they recover in this way is much higher than the cost of the CheckHub platform and they also save a lot of time and costs that the process would have cost in the past.

Together with our customers, we started looking at how we can solve this as best as possible via the CheckHub platform. Together we have integrated these V1, V2 and V3 documents on our platform in a way that makes it possible to offer them digitally to the temporary worker to sign.

The forms were made simpler, with the approval of the Social Fund. The data that must be present on it are automatically filled in by supplying this data via API or via simple Excel import. For example, the temporary worker, but also the temporary employment agency, does not have to manually enter any piece of information.

Sending an email and/or SMS to the temporary worker is also fully automated with the CheckHub platform. The temporary worker receives an email or SMS, in the branding of the temporary employment agency, containing a unique secure link. From any device he can click this link and he/she will always arrive at a clear page where the V1, V2 or V3 document can be opened. We have optimized the document in such a way that everything is immediately visible when opened. All the temporary worker has to do is sign with her/his finger on his/her smartphone or with the mouse on her/his computer, in a field that is also immediately visible and easy to complete.

Peter Van Heeke, CEO of CheckHub, commented on the results: “Whereas our customers used to receive only 10 to 15% of these documents signed, we now see a success ratio of 70 to 75%. We are therefore extremely pleased that we can efficiently help our customers with this. The amount they recover in this way is much higher than the cost of the CheckHub platform and they also save a lot of time and costs that the process would have cost in the past.”

The results also seem to be getting better. The customers learn from experience how they can optimize the communication about this subject to the temporary workers in order to get an even higher response rate.

Due to the experience that CheckHub already has with these documents, customers can get started with them very quickly and easily. This is possible by using our SaaS solution.

More information about these documents and the Social Fund for Temporary Employees can be found here: