Hello to efficiency. Bye document anarchy.

CheckHub has proven it can almost supercharge any organization dealing with a lot of documents and contracts from individuals.

Some of our trusted customers

Massive piece of software for almost everybody

CheckHub has proven it can almost supercharge any organization dealing with a lot of documents and contracts from individuals.

The software that saved our client 900K € per year.

Yes we can. It’s all about efficiency.

  • 900K cost saving
  • 60% Time saving
  • Handling of 1 million documents per year

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Get started today. It’s free of cost and effort.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
We can get you started today.

A doubt, a question? We are here for you.

  • CheckHub offers services to companies ranging from 10 to 10,000 employees and more. While it is true that larger organizations experience greater operations and deal with larger volumes of documents, leading to significant cost savings and improved efficiency when using CheckHub, smaller organizations can also reap the benefits. It’s important to consider the specific industry you’re in. For instance, although small notary or legal practices may have a relatively small number of employees, they often deal with numerous administrative processes, making CheckHub highly advantageous for them. Since the CheckHub platform can be easily adapted for any industry, this is also valid for many other sectors. If you want to take a next step in your digital transformation, plan to be more efficient by automating document exchange processes or want to create a better user-experience for your own staff and you end-users, CheckHub will be extremely helpful in creating a big and fast impact. Ask for a free demo via ‘Book a demo’ on the Homepage to see how CheckHub can bring benefits to your organization.
  • At CheckHub, safeguarding your data in compliance with GDPR is of utmost importance to us. To provide you with comprehensive information regarding this measure, we have dedicated a page solely to this matter. Rest assured that your data protection is our priority. If you have any further questions or concerns regarding the GDPR regulations, please feel free to contact us directly.

  • At CheckHub, we take your data security seriously. Rest assured that both your profile information and the documents you receive are protected by cutting-edge security standards. It’s important to note that, in most cases, we don’t store the documents ourselves. Instead, they are directly sent and hosted on our customers’ servers, ensuring your data remains in trusted hands.

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Information on data sharing

The protection of natural persons in relation to the processing of personal data is a fundamental right. Article 8(1) of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (the ‘Charter’) and Article 16(1) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) provide that everyone has the right to the protection of personal data concerning him or her.

Get in touch (without GDPR)

CheckHub and COVID-19

It is in times like these that organizations recognize ever more the importance of remote working and working in a paperless environment. COVID-19 taught us that the old way of doing business in person (or by phone, fax or mail) is pretty much over. Almost overnight, hundreds of thousands of professionals found themselves working remotely like everyone else, with their agencies scrambling to adjust. Today, there’s a better way to serve the public. Replace paper documents with digital services.

checkhub about us 1
©2023 – Automating the Manipulation of Documents for Notary Offices.

Automating the Manipulation of Documents for Notary Offices

The customer is a notary office with 15 employees. The employees responsible for the administration are confronted daily with the manual handling of many documents. They need to collect and validate documents such as identity cards, deeds, declarations of succession, bank extracts, wedding contracts, leaseholds, insurance contracts, etc. They are handling 200 documents on average per day.

Challenges: The organization was confronted with a huge amount of manual tasks, mainly with a dependency on the client side. Most cases require a decent effort from the client side. This can either mean that the client needs to pre-fill certain forms and/or deliver specific documents like an ID. Managing this process (requesting, processing, verifying documents etc.) consumes a lot of time from the persons involved.

Other example tasks occupying staff are:

  • Sending emails to individuals to ask for documents prior to opening a file of succession, the sale of a property, a divorce, etc.
  • Sending emails to individuals to ask for documents prior to opening a file of succession, the sale of a property, a divorce, etc.
  • Sending emails to individuals to ask for documents prior to opening a file of succession, the sale of a property, a divorce, etc.
  • Sending emails to individuals to ask for documents prior to opening a file of succession, the sale of a property, a divorce, etc.
  • Sending emails to individuals to ask for documents prior to opening a file of succession, the sale of a property, a divorce, etc.
  • Sending emails to individuals to ask for documents prior to opening a file of succession, the sale of a property, a divorce, etc.

This customer is now using the online CheckHub platform. From there, all necessary documents are collected and processed in a digital and automated manner. All manual tasks are eliminated or reduced to an absolute minimum. The notary office is able to reduce the time needed to complete a file and saves up to 50% of the time spent on the administrative tasks. Moreover the experience of the clients is improved as well.


With CheckHub facilitating the solution to fully automate and process documents lead to the following results:

  1. All requests for documents are automated per email and sms.
  2. All requests for documents are automated per email and sms.
  3. All requests for documents are automated per email and sms.
  4. All requests for documents are automated per email and sms.

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Document Handling Automation for Clinics of Europe

Clinics of Europe is a hospital group comprising three clinics at three different sites. All the clinics have a total of 2,500 employees. Constantly, new doctors and assistants are brought in to perform their services within the establishment. Quite an administrative challenge.The challenges

The challenges

Each time a new doctor or assistant enters into a contractual aspect with the clinics, they have to ask for a multitude of different documents.


Peter Van Heeke

Founder & CEO

Laurent Parmentier

Founder & CTO

Edouard d’Ursel

Founder & COO

Nikita Kokoriev

Senior Developer

Kostiantyn Ksondz

Senior Developer

Svetlana Makovoz

QA Engineer

Benoit Vrins

Lead Designer

Baudouin de Troostembergh

Business Development Advisor

Raphael Halberthal

Strategy Advisor

Omar Othman

Digital Marketing Specialist

Document Handling Automation for Clinics of Europe

Clinics of Europe is a hospital group comprising three clinics at three different sites. All the clinics have a total of 2,500 employees. Constantly, new doctors and assistants are brought in to perform their services within the establishment. Quite an administrative challenge.

The challenges

Each time a new doctor or assistant enters into a contractual aspect with the clinics, they have to ask for a multitude of different documents.

Numbers of CheckHub

Each time a new doctor or assistant enters into a contractual aspect with the clinics, they have to ask for a multitude of different documents.


Satisfied clients

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Satisfied clients

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce porta tincidunt lacinia. Aliquam arcu tortor, egestas vel elementum a, tempus at magna. Praesent aliquam volutpat enim, eu congue tellus.

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Use cases

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Use cases

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce porta tincidunt lacinia. Aliquam arcu tortor, egestas vel elementum a, tempus at magna. Praesent aliquam volutpat enim, eu congue tellus.

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Completed forms

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce porta tincidunt lacinia. Aliquam arcu tortor, egestas vel elementum a, tempus at magna. Praesent aliquam volutpat enim, eu congue tellus.

Completed forms

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce porta tincidunt lacinia. Aliquam arcu tortor, egestas vel elementum a, tempus at magna. Praesent aliquam volutpat enim, eu congue tellus.

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Meet Vianney

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Testimonials title

« CheckHub allows to relieve the administrative burden on our employees, especially with young customers. »

Notary Vincent Maillard

« With ASAP HR Group we were looking for a solution that would save our consultants a lot of time and ensure that we had more certainty that we had the right documents and a complete file in our system for all temporary workers. The combination of CheckHub integrated with PratoFlex provided us with the ideal platform for this. The fact that, moreover, the user experience for both the consultants, but also and especially for the temporary workers themselves, made a big leap forward, was a very positive development. »

Joeri Schutters, IT Manager ASAP HR Group

« We have to say that thanks to the integration of CheckHub in PratoFlex, even over this relatively short period of time, we have seen a very positive evolution. Where we used to waste a lot of time or even forget to follow up on the files, it is now a process that runs automatically and requires little or no manual intervention. In addition to the time savings, it is also much easier for a temporary worker to be able to do this at home via smartphone or computer and they can upload or complete all documents in the same movement. »

Jela Desfossés, HQ Manager Job Talent

« With more than 1 million documents a year, we can state that document management is a business-critical process for our organization. Thanks to CheckHub we were able to achieve tremendous results in terms of cost- and timesaving. The timesaving is equal to 50% a year or from 0.5 to 2 hours spent per consultant per week . More time, less spend, cost and human error. An excellent result. »

Petra Arys, Business Excellence at Randstad

Clinics of Europe is a hospital group comprising three clinics at three different sites. All the clinics have a total of 2,500 employees. Constantly, new doctors and assistants are brought in to perform their services within the establishment. Quite an administrative challenge. The Challenges Each time a new doctor or assistant enters into a contractual aspect with the clinics, they have to ask for a multitude of different documents. The examples of documents are as follows: Diploma of Medicine Visa Diploma of Medicine Diploma of specialization Approval to bear the title of specialization INAMI certificate with provisional or definitive INAMI number Registration with the Order of Physicians Identity Card, Criminal Record Photo for badge Proof of accreditation (INAMI) Professional Company Status In addition, clinics must also collect a series of data through information sheets from doctors and assistants. Examples of data collected are as follows: Bank account number, Mobile phone number, Language, Accreditation data, Mutual insurance agreement, Fee periods, Date of start of activity, Company number, etc. This adds up to nearly 10 hours of work per week. The hospital group must therefore collect and process all this information manually, through its secretariat, which is made up of 3 full-time staff. This adds up to nearly 10 hours of work per week. The solution Clinics of Europe are now automating these repetitive and abundant tasks with CheckHub. The choice was made to use the online platform “SaaS” (Software-as-a-Service). To begin with, the secretariat creates the new profiles by adding the names, first names, email addresses and telephone numbers of doctors and assistants. Then, automated forms are sent to the people concerned in order to collect all the necessary information relating to its entry into service. This ranges from Accreditation and Mutual Agreement data to the size needed for the work coat. Along with the submission of forms, the necessary documents are collected and automated reminders by emails and text messages are sent until the file is complete. In order to send documents and completed forms, the doctor or assistant is given access to a secure individual profile which only requires one click to access it. Indeed, there is no application to download, no username or password to complete. Everything is done via a secure one-person link received by sms and email. Each time a document is uploaded by the new entrant, it is validated by optical scanning and the document information is verified and extracted in a structured manner. When the file is complete, the documents are automatically converted to PDF and renamed in accordance with the nomenclature rules in force at Clinics of Europe. While the information extracted from the documents and forms is available in an Excel file which can then be used for other purposes within the hospital group; for example, to create the badge allowing access to buildings. The time spent on these administrative tasks was reduced by 80%. Using the online version of CheckHub, there was no need for IT integrations on the client side. The Clinics secretariat was therefore able to use the solution the day after registration on our site. The time spent on these administrative tasks was reduced by 80%.

Julia Chelechko, Executive Assistant at Clinics of Europe

« Within a few clicks, we were able to compile our employees’ intentions to participate in the strike and gather their scheduled working hours for the day of the strike. This proved to be a valuable time-saving measure in managing understaffing and allowed us to reach all staff, whether they were present or absent. »

Arnaud Kamp, HR Director at Clinics of Europe

The customer is a notary office with 15 employees. The employees responsible for the administration are confronted daily with the manual handling of many documents. They need to collect and validate documents such as identity cards, deeds, declarations of succession, bank extracts, wedding contracts, leaseholds, insurance contracts, etc. They are handling 200 documents on average per day. Challenges: The organization was confronted with a huge amount of manual tasks, mainly with a dependency on the client side. Most cases require a decent effort from the client side. This can either mean that the client needs to pre-fill certain forms and/or deliver specific documents like an ID. Managing this process (requesting, processing, verifying documents etc.) consumes a lot of time from the persons involved. Other example tasks occupying staff are: Sending emails to multiple persona to ask for documents prior to opening a file of succession, the sale of a property, a divorce, etc. Making phone calls to remind different people to take action and deliver the requested documents and information. Collecting the documents via emails, but also via post or clients delivering the documents in person. Opening those documents (emails + pdf attachments or paper photocopies coming via post). Checking document types’ validity. Converting non-pdf documents into pdf documents. Merging separated files into one single document (ex: 4 separate pages of 1 Wedding Contract). Renaming the documents according to the internal nomenclature (ex: doctype_notary_date_clientname.pdf). Solution: This customer is now using the online CheckHub platform. From there, all necessary documents are collected and processed in a digital and automated manner. All manual tasks are eliminated or reduced to an absolute minimum. The notary office is able to reduce the time needed to complete a file and saves up to 50% of the time spent on the administrative tasks. Moreover the experience of the clients is improved as well. Results: With CheckHub facilitating the solution to fully automate and process documents lead to the following results: A total timesaving of 50%. All requests for documents are automated per email and sms. All reminders are automated per sms and mails. Automated validation of the documents. All documents are available and secured via CheckHub’s platform.  

Notary Hugues Amory

The customer is one of the largest temporary staffing firm in Europe. The company, in its Belgian subsidiary, is handling about 1 million documents per year. Concerned documents include: identity cards, curriculum vitae, diplomas, driving licenses, among others. CheckHub is now successfully automating the process of collecting and validating those documents from candidates. The time saving in the administrative department (30 FTE) of that company is estimated to be 60%. This averages a cost saving of 900.000 € per year. Challenges: The organization was confronted with a paramount of manual tasks. Examples are requesting, validating and processing documents of (potential) candidates. Intensive tasks which is open for human error. Either from the organization or the candidate side. In the long term this organization is suffering from his own succes. With a growing database of vacancies and potential candidates, the paperwork and effort needed was growing as well. Solution: The client understood that a digital transformation was absolutely necessary. The digitization and automation of all processes concerning document management and processing to monetize its’ possibilities. This customer chose to automate those tasks through a full integration via SQS Messaging Service. The integration in their document management interface resulted in the following tasks’ automation: A branded portal for candidates, accessible from all devices. Sending reminders per texts and mails to candidates. No app to download, no login, no password. Easy and secured magic link for candidates. Automated validation of documents. Automated restrictions on mime type during upload. Automated conversion from different mime types to pdf documents. Documents recto and verso being merged in one single file. Renaming documents according to internal nomenclature. All documents being sent back to our client’s servers, in real time. Full integration of CheckHub in their front-end interface. Results: With CheckHub facilitating the solution to fully automate and process documents lead to the following results: Integration time: 1,5 months Integration resulted in the reduction in time spent on administrative tasks by 60%. Total time spent on administrative tasks previously to CheckHub’s technology implementation was estimated to 18 FTEs equivalent. 50.000 € is the average FTE cost for the identified positions. Cost saving sums up to 900.000 € per year.

Hospitals are a bit like small cities. Next to their medical staff, they have their own administration, HR, technicians, kitchen staff, cleaning department and maintenance personnel. For one of the bigger hospitals in Antwerp this means that they have between 4.000 and 5.000 collaborators to deal with. This causes a big stream of employees coming in and leaving the hospital which poses a heavy burden on the hospital’s HR department.   While searching how they could move away from the signing of the paper employee contracts by their CEO, their HR Director and finally the candidate, they came across the CheckHub platform.   CheckHub helped them to set up an easy and efficient process to collect the signatures in a digital very user-friendly manner. The only manual step remaining is an excel import of a file containing the data of the new employees (a file they were keeping anyway). After the import the process is fully automated and digital. The new digital process was set up and introduced in a matter of a few weeks.   Because they quickly saw the benefits and ease of the CheckHub platform, the hospital decided to add other documents and forms they were exchanging with their personnel to this digital flow as well. Think about forms related to the mean of travel to work, tax, work regulation, part-time work but also checklists, declarations etc.   They also decided to add other target groups like independents, students and doctors in formation (Artsen in Opleiding – ASO). For ASO they added one extra person that needs to sign the contract. This speeded up the time of file completion with weeks.   In less than 6 months they exchanged on average 12 documents with close to 500 new employees and students via the CheckHub platform.  The gain in time and efficiency is substantial. The hospital now saving around 75% on the time normally spend on document administration of new staff. Moreover, they were able to get rid of the big paper folder of contracts that needed to be treated manually first by the CEO, than by the HR Director and finally by the new employee.

You have probably also drawn up a roadmap yourself or there are plans within your company to automate and digitize more. Often this concerns how you deal with the exchange of documents with the new incoming candidates as well as with the placed temporary workers. Your ambition is to offer your temporary workers a better service and experience on the one hand, but also to be able to work more efficiently internally. In addition, increasingly strict compliance rules require that we are always in perfect order and that all temporary employees have all the necessary documents and that their file is complete at any time. The prevailing pandemic inevitably also means that the aim is to avoid physical contact and travel where it is not really necessary. We already work with fewer consultants present in the office and then we prefer that the temporary worker no longer has to come by to deliver, fill in and sign documents. The above is certainly also true for existing CheckHub customers. Only through the CheckHub platform they now have a solution that makes all this possible and that will also take a lot of tasks off the hands of the consultants so that they have the opportunity to focus on other elements which provide more added value, such as being able to effectively place more candidates. You can consider developing a digital tool yourself, because this requires a certain investment. However, what we observe with the CheckHub customers is that the investment costs to implement the CheckHub platform are often recovered after one or two quarters. During a recent POC (Proof of Concept) that we performed with a Belgian medium-sized temporary employment agency, it appeared that even without integration between CheckHub and their management system, there was already a reasonable time saving for the consultants. The four hours a week that a consultant spent collecting, validating, scanning, renaming documents and chasing candidates by email and phone to deliver everything was easily reduced to half an hour. This became even more so when declarations of intent and information forms were handled digitally. Immediately more time was available to focus on placing the candidates. And the legal department was also satisfied, because the percentage of files that were completely in order increased dramatically. After the POC it was decided to integrate the customer’s management system via API with the CheckHub platform. This meant that the consultants did not have to use any new system. The CheckHub system received input via the API connections from the existing management system of the customer, the documents were automatically collected and processed and then returned to the existing system via API.   What does an investment in the use of the CheckHub platform mean in concrete terms? We made the calculation based on an average estimate of the time spent of 15 minutes per new enrollment. This is a very conservative estimate as many candidates involve multiple documents. These can be documents that must be provided by the candidate, but also documents that must be completed, accepted and / or signed by the candidate. We are thinking of declarations of intent, information forms, workstation sheets, certain policies or guarantee documents. In the latter category, the time it takes to get everything back correctly completed and signed can be much longer if this is done via the traditional way of e-mails, scans and attachments. The customer receives approximately 50.000 new registrations per year. If we then calculate the cost savings on the basis of an average hourly cost of a temporary employment consultant, we arrive at an equivalent of almost 2 FTEs. We take into account the fact that the consultants do still spend time on these documents, but thanks to CheckHub, this can be done with 60% less time spent. This investment pays for itself here after six months. What if, in addition to the new registrations, we also include the old candidates who have to be placed again? If we include this group, taking into account that the time today for an “old” candidate is lower, half in our simulation, because certain documents are already available, we arrive at a payback period of 3 months. Speaking of an easy decision…

Hello to efficiency. Bye document anarchy.

CheckHub has proven it can almost supercharge any organization dealing with a lot of documents and contracts from individuals.